Saturday, September 20, 2008

Sometimes I...

Why is it so easy to put off spending time with God? Why is there always just "one more thing" to accomplish and then I'll spend time with God? Before I know it I just blew the whole day. Then it happens on another day. Then it happens on consecutive days. Then it happens for a week. Then a month. And then before I know it I haven't spent serious time with God in way too long...Then, thankfully, God reminds me that apart from the vine a branch is worthless. Attached to the vine it will bear fruit, be pruned and then become even more fruitfull. Then once I've returned to the vine and begin being nurished back to strength He reminds me of how great it is to be a part of the Body of Christ when a friend calls in need of prayer because she doesn't know how she will make it through the night on her own strength. What a blessing it is to go to the Lord on a friend's behalf. And now I sit; ready to set my laptop down, open my bible and...

1 comment:

Kate said...

Definitely true!