Friday, September 04, 2009

How big?

I was thinking about the universe and how big it is. I'm told there are over 350,000,000,000 galaxies...if there are that many galaxies I can't imagine how many stars there are or how much space there is between them. So the thought occurs to me that there are only two possibilities when it comes to how big the universe is and both are beyond my comprehension. Either it goes on forever, or it ends somewhere. How can there be no end to something? But if it ends somewhere, what's on the other side of the end of the universe? Something else, I guess. But what would that be, and how far does that go!

1 comment:

David Baxley said...

So if you got to the end would you run into some big black wall or is it one giant circle that you would just be on the other side... Like the earth... you know you start and end up eventually in the same place...